Monday, September 28, 2009


After almost two weeks I am finally updating. Several things have been going on in the Ryan household. First and foremost, we have less than a year until treatment is over. Our official end date is September 19, 2010. Weekends like we just had, that date couldn't come quicker. James just finished his 5 day course of steroids. It has been the hardest 5 days we have had in a long time. He has woken up 3 to 4 times a night since Wednesday. Needless to say, we are all exhausted!

On a different note, we had our 32 week ultrasound on Friday and official confirmed its a girl. She is doing great and right on schedule.

Please continue to pray for us.....especially James that the steroids would get out of his system quickly!


Lorren Says... said...

Yay! Another Ryan baby girl. So precious. I will be praying for James and that all four of you get some rest!

amy said...

Hello my name is Amy ANd i have a daughter that ws diagnosed with ALL in june.I am looking for moms that going through simular situations.I dont know anyone going through my same situation.i made a blog for Nevaeh
I hope to hear from you soon.I will keep your spn in my prayers.