At the clinic and getting my bracelet on with my name and medical record number
The pediatric outpatient clinic at MD Anderson
Playing in the favorite place to be
Getting my weight
Getting my blood pressure taken
Nurse Sandy flushing my line
Getting hooked up to my IV chemo and antibiotic
Hanging out and getting my medicine
Out like a light...time for my lumbar puncture
In recovery
Today was quite a long day for James. Usually his procedure is one of the first things that happens but today it was almost 11am before they took him back. Keep in mind he has not had anything to eat or drink since 5pm the night before so he wasn't in the best mood. He even told his doctor "I am very sad, my friends(mom and nana) aren't listening to me." He kept telling us he was very very thirsty and very hungry and we kept having to put him off. But we made it and we are home and his belly is full. We started steroids so pray that he will get through them ok. Thanks for checking in.
James is a champion and so are you! another lumbar puncture down!
He is so sweet! I love how he told the dr. he is sad--such a big boy now!!
We are praying and what a tough mom and boy!
We are always praying for James. He is such a Trooper!!!
What a brave, brave boy!! Also, happy birthday to Adrienne!
Brave boy, strong family. I dont' know how you do it. We still pray for James every day. Thanks for the updates! Love you!
James is such a trooper! His strength encourages me. God has such a special plan for this little guy's life. Love you, Connie Mc
always praying for you and James.
praying for james. He is such a strong boy..Keep the faith...
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