Friday, October 30, 2009

Headed back

Update..They are sending James home with a 10 day course of tamiflu and we can give him Tylenol/Motrin every 3 hours. Right now he is receiving IV antibiotic that will carry him through 3pm tomorrow. If after 3pm he runs a fever of 101 or higher we will head back to MDA where there will hook him up to an IV and send us to Memorial Hermann downtown because MDA has no beds. The good news is his counts continue to climb and his ANC is 170. Please pray the fever goes away, Tamiflu does its job, and James starts feeling better. Thank you.

Greg and James are headed back to the clinic. James feels crummy and his temp was 101. So when we called they said to bring him in. Pray that his blood counts are up and they can come home and that he starts feeling better! Thank you.


sarah watson said...

I will...

amy said...

Oh Joy,
We are praying that James gets better.I am so sorry he is going through a rough time.I fyou need me I am here.

Beth Rainey said...

I'm a Ryan family follower and have been checking here to see if all is okay. Concerned that there haven't been any posts about James. Praying all is okay with all of you, including Baby Rachel! Maybe silence is golden because life is good and busy, James is great and Rachel came early!!??